5 steps to find your super
If you have an AMP super account, we can help you discover if there’s any other super accounts with your name on it.
Simply follow these steps:
- Login or register for My AMP
- Follow the search for my super link
- Complete a quick security check (This is required by the government– you’ll need two types of ID, like your licence, passport or Medicare number)
- Provide consent for the use of your Tax File Number
- Get your results in My AMP
You can also use the ATO’s super search services directly. Learn more
What happens next?
Once the results are ready, we’ll explain some options for next steps – for example, you may want to bring it together (consolidate) into an active super account (account that receives regular contributions).
It’s a good idea to take time to consider your results and get more information from your super providers before deciding what’s right for you. Some things to think about for each of your different accounts include benefits, features or insurance you may lose if you choose to consolidate.
How does super go missing?
In the past, people may have lost track of super when they changed jobs. Particularly if the super contributions from their new job were paid into their new employer’s super fund and they didn’t transfer funds from their previous super account.
The good news is that this is less likely to be an issue these days. On 1 November 2021 new laws came in that make it harder to lose track of your super. The laws mean you’ll generally take your super account with you when you change jobs, rather than have a new account automatically opened up for you.
Super can also become lost or unclaimed if a person’s previous super funds don’t have their latest address, email or phone number on file. If you have an AMP super account, you can update your contact details in My AMP.
The difference between lost and unclaimed super
The difference between lost and unclaimed super
Reasons to find your super today
A lost or unclaimed account could have quite a bit of money in it, particularly if it’s had investment earnings while invested and held by your super fund. Plus, if you reclaim it before it’s sent to the ATO, there could be added benefits like:
- you may not lose any insurance cover you may have inside your super (which you will if it’s transferred to the ATO)
- earnings on investments may be more favourable. This is because if your account is taken by the ATO, interest will be calculated using the consumer price index (CPI).
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What you need to know
1 Australian Taxation Office: Total lost (fund-held) and ATO-held super
2 ATO – searching for lost super
Any advice and information on this page is provided by AWM Services Pty Ltd ABN 15 139 353 496, AFSL No. 366121 (AWM Services) and is general in nature. It doesn’t consider your personal goals, financial situation or needs.
It’s important to consider your particular circumstances and read the relevant product disclosure statement or terms and conditions available from AMP at amp.com.au or by calling 131 267, before deciding what’s right for you.
You can read our Financial Services Guide online for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided to you. You can also ask us for a hardcopy. AWM Services is part of the AMP group. All information on this website is subject to change without notice.
The super coaching session is a super health check and is provided by AWM Services and is general advice only. It does not consider your personal circumstances.