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Expense planner calculator
The expense planner calculator breaks down your expenses into weekly, monthly and annual figures and provides you with how much your overall expenses are.
Savings and term deposit calculator
The savings and term deposit calculator helps you work out how much interest you could earn over a set period of time by investing your money into a savings account or term deposit.
Important information
® SignatureSuper is a registered trademark of AMP Limited ABN 49 079 354 519.
Credit and deposit products are issued by AMP Bank Limited ABN 15 081 596 009, AFSL and Australian credit licence 234517. Any application is subject to AMP Bank’s approval.
Product disclosure
It’s important to consider your particular circumstances and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or Terms and Conditions before deciding what’s right for you. This information is general only, hasn’t taken your circumstances into account, and is provided by AWM Services Pty Ltd ABN 15 139 353 496 (AWM Services), which is part of the AMP group (AMP). Read our Financial Services Guide for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided to you. All information on this website is subject to change without notice.
Signature Super
The issuer of SignatureSuper® is N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited (N.M. Super) ABN 31 008 428 322 (trustee), which is part of the AMP group (AMP). Before making a decision about the product a person should consider the SignatureSuper® product disclosure statement available from AMP at amp.com.au or by calling 131 267.
AMP Saver
Information including interest rates is correct as at 1 May 2023 and is subject to change without notice. Terms and conditions apply. Fees and charges may be payable. Before making a decision about the AMP Saver Account you should consider the terms and conditions available from AMP at amp.com.au/bankterms or 13 30 30.