Manage your business finances easier

    • Categorise spend automatically

      Our in-app automation categorises what’s coming in and out of your transaction feed in real-time. Meaning you won’t have to match transactions to the right category, one-by-one.

    • Real-time updates

      Get a 360-degree read on your income and expenses now, for real -time accuracy and decision-making.

    • Reconcile in seconds

      With everything automated, the most time-consuming part of your finances just got speedy. Manage cash flow, match transactions with accuracy and get tax ready, without the pain.


    How to connect Xero with
    the AMP Bank app

    Xero connect 3

    1. Sign into the AMP Bank app

    Tap your profile icon in the top right corner of your Everyday Business Account.

    Xero connect 1

    2. Link the AMP Bank app with Xero

    Select 'Connect to Xero' and follow the set-up prompts. 

    Xero connect 2

    3. Wave goodbye to manual work

    Your work here is done.


    Sign up to Xero through the AMP Bank app by clicking on your profile icon (top right of your screen), select  'Connect to Xero' and click on 'Sign up’.

    Once you've set up an account with Xero you need to return to the AMP Bank app and follow the set up flow. 

    For any question feel free to reach out to our 24/7 customer service team on 1800 950 105

    The Xero bank feed integration allows you to connect your Everyday Business account with your Xero account.

    By integrating, all bank transactions are automatically imported into your Xero account.

    This integration simplifies the process of reconciling accounts, tracking income and expenses, and maintaining accurate financial records.

    Please ensure that you've created an account through Xero before attempting to connect your Everyday Business account.

    If any errors occur during the setup process, please contact our customer service team at 1800 950 105

    By sharing data with Xero, you are permitting Xero to:

    • View your financial information & transactions (which includes your account balance).
    • View your personal information (which includes your account holder information and account identifiers i.e. account number and BSB). 

    Connect Xero to the AMP Bank app

    It's simple, seamless and takes the hassle out of manual inputs. In a few steps, you'll be managing your business finances with very little effort.

    Learn more about banking with AMP

    • Ways to bank with the AMP Bank app
    • Everyday Business Account
    • Banking FAQ's
    • Contact us
    Important information

    The product issuer and credit provider is AMP Bank Limited ABN 15 081 596 009, AFSL and Australian credit licence 234517. This information is provided by AMP Bank Limited. Read our Financial Services Guide available at for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided to you. 

    AMP Bank is a member of the Australian Banking Association (ABA) and is committed to the standards in the Banking Code of Practice.

    A target market determination for these products is available here.

    For accounts with BSB number 939 900, that you access via the AMP Bank mobile app, the Terms and conditions that apply are available here

    For accounts with BSB number 939 200, that you access via the My AMP mobile app, the Terms and conditions that apply are available here.